
This page covers how to integrate django-distill into your Django project once you have installed it.


django-distill generates static pages and therefore only views which allow GET requests that return an HTTP 200 status code are supported.

It is assumed you are using URI parameters such as /blog/123-abc and not querystring parameters such as /blog?post_id=123&title=abc. Querystring parameters do not make sense for static page generation for obvious reasons.

Additionally with one-off static pages dynamic internationalisation won't work so all files are generated using the LANGUAGE_CODE value in your

Step 1: wrap your URLs

Open the for any Django project or Django app. Add in an import for django_distill.distill_path which replaces Django's django.urls.path. The syntax for django_distill.distill_path is identical to django.urls.path but supports two new keyword arguments, distill_func and distill_file (and an optional third argument that's usually not required, distill_status_codes).

The distill_func argument should be provided with a function or callable class that returns an iterable or None. The distill_file argument allows you to override the URL that would otherwise be generated from the reverse of the URL path or regex which allows you to rename URLs like /example to any other name like example.html which may be more useful for static pages. Depending on your URLs, both arguments can be optional. As of django-distill v0.8 any URIs ending in a slash / are automatically modified to end in /index.html. Usage of distill_func is covered in step 2.

An example for some static pages for a Django static site would be:

# Replaces the standard django.urls.path, identical syntax
from django_distill import distill_path

# Import some views from your Django app
from app.views import IndexView, PageView

urlpatterns = [

    # The index URL on /, render this as 'index.html'
                # / is not a valid file name! override it to index.html

    # A single static page, render this as 'page.html'


Your site will still function identically with the above changes. Internally the distill_func and distill_file parameters are removed and the URL is passed back to Django for normal processing. This has no runtime performance impact as this happens only once upon starting the application.

While most static site projects return HTML from views you can return any data such as JSON or binary data and django-distill will handle it properly.

Step 2: URLs with parameters

If your URLs have parameters, such as you have a blog with URLs in the format of /post/[slug-of-post]_[date].html (for example /post/my-blog-post_2010-10-10.html) you need to tell django-distill which pages to render from URL parameters. This is what the optional distill_func argument is for and a distill_func argument is only required when your URL has parameters. If required distill_func should point to a function which returns an iterable (e.g. a list, tuple or yield) which matches the format of your URL path.

An example setup for a theoretical blogging app would be:

# Replaces the standard django.conf.path, identical syntax
from django_distill import distill_path

# Views and models from a theoretical blogging app
from blog.views import PostIndex, PostView, PostYear
from blog.models import Post

def get_index():
    # The index URI path, '', contains no parameters, named or otherwise.
    # You can simply just return nothing here (or not specify a
    # distill_func at all)
    return None

def get_all_blogposts():
    # This function needs to return an iterable of dictionaries.
    # Dictionaries are required as the URL this distill function is used by
    # has named parameters. You can just export a small subset of values
    # here if you wish to limit what pages will be generated.
    for post in Post.objects.all():
        # Note 'blog_id' and 'blog_title' match the URL parameter names
        yield {'blog_id':, 'blog_title': post.title}

def get_years():
    # You can also just return an iterable containing static strings if the
    # URL only has one argument and you are using positional URL parameters
    return (2014, 2015)
    # This is really just shorthand for ((2014,), (2015,))

urlpatterns = [

    # Index URL on /, render this as 'index.html'
                # Note that for paths which have no paramters
                # distill_func is optional
                # / is not a valid file name! override it to index.html

    # Blog post page, for example /post/123_my-blog-post.html
    # using named parameters

    # Blog posts for a year, for example /posts-by-year/2014.html
    # using positional parameters


If you only want to render some static pages for a view you can just alter the URL parameters returned by your distill_func function for a URL. For example using the above if you only wanted to render blog post pages written after 2020 you would modify the Django query in your distill_func:

from datetime import datetime

posts_after = datetime(year=2020, month=1, day=1)

def get_all_blogposts():
    # This function now returns an iterable of dicts but filtered to just
    # return URL paramters for 2020 or later (assuming the Post model has
    # a datetime field called post_date)
    for post in Post.objects.filter(post_date__gte=posts_after):
        yield {'blog_id':, 'blog_title': post.title}

The functions specified by any distill_func kwargs are only ever executed when you run either python distill-local or python distill-publish on the command line. They have no other impact on your Django project which will continue to operate as normal. These commands are covered in the deployment documentation.

Regular expression URLs

If you prefer to use regex based URL patterns in your Django project or you're working on an older project that uses regex URL patterns you can use django_distill.distill_re_path instead of django_distill.distill_path. This is identical to Django's django.urls.re_path. It's usage is identical to django_distill.distill_path as detailed above. As an example:

from django_distill import distill_re_path

urlpatterns = (

django-distill will attempt to match the URL format support of the version if Django you are using, so in very old Django projects using version 1.x you may be able to import and use django_distill.distill_url which replaces the deprectiated django.urls.url function. While this is tested and supported for older versions of Django it is discouraged in favour of using distill_path and distill_re_path where available.

django-distill will mirror whatever your installed version of Django supports, therefore the distill_url function will cease working once your project is upgraded past Django 2.x which depreciated django.conf.urls.url and django.urls.url functions. You can use distill_re_path as a drop-in replacement.

Non-200 status codes

All views rendered by django-distill into static pages must return an HTTP 200 status code. If for any reason you need to render a view as static html which does not return an HTTP 200 status code, for example you also want to statically generate a 404 page which has a view which (correctly) returns an HTTP 404 status code but also returns valid content you need to render to a file you can use the distill_status_codes optional argument to a view. For example:

from django_distill import distill_path
from app.views import Error404View

urlpatterns = [

                 distill_status_codes=(200, 404))


The optional distill_status_codes argument accepts a tuple of status codes as integers which are permitted for the view to return without raising an error. By default this is set to (200,) but you can override it if you need to for your project.

Now you have wrapped your URLs with django-distill you can begin with deployment of the output of your Django application as a static site.